Jean-Luc Mélenchon is opposed to France entering the conflict between Russia and Ukraine



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“We must realize that the risk of total war exists”, warned the candidate of La France insoumise in the program “Elysée 2022” on France 2.

“I’m not for going to war.” Guest of the political program “Elysée 2022” on France 2, Jean-Luc Mélenchon assured Thursday March 24 that he was opposed to France’s entry into the war in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. “Either it’s diplomacy or it’s total war, I choose diplomacy”did he declare. “But I have to say it’s a disaster, added the candidate of La France insoumisebecause no one has planned anything in case we are challenged, when everyone has been saying for years that the Russians are walking dangers.”

>> Follow the program “Elysée 2022” live on France 2

“We must realize that the risk of total war exists, did he warnwe are dealing with a regime that has put itself in a political impasse, that is to say that now it is obliged to win and we are obliged to make it lose.

“I’m the only one who wasn’t wrong. It’s been ten years since I announced that things will go wrong in Ukraine”, he also said about this conflict. He welcomed the continued diplomacy of Emmanuel Macron, who has multiplied the phone calls with Vladimir Putin since the start of the war. The French President “is right to call Putin, thatit costs me to say it, but I say it”, he assured. Jean-Luc Mélenchon finally proposed to send UN blue helmets to Ukraine, in particular to protect nuclear power stations.

Melenchon " If I am president, I send the French to act as blue helmets in front of nuclear power plants"

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