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Alexis Corbière, deputy (LFI) for Seine-Saint-Denis, was the guest of “4V” on France 2, Friday September 23.
After the revelation of domestic violence committed by Adrien Quatennens, deputy La France insoumise and coordinator of the movement, the debate now crystallizes around the reaction of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the party. Was he wrong to initially support Adrien Quatennens in a controversial tweet? “There were two tweets from Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It is not on 280 signs that we should judge his fight against violence against women”asserts Alexis Corbière, MP (LFI) for Seine-Saint-Denis, guest of “4V” on France 2, Friday September 23.
“Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not suspect of not having a clear position on the fight against violence against women”insists Alexis Corbière, who specifies that Adrien Quatennens is “[leur] friend, [leur] comrade of struggle”. Regarding the second tweet that Jean-Luc Mélenchon published to try to correct the situation – in which he wrote: “A slap is unacceptable in any case. Adrien assumes it. It’s good” – Alexis Corbière persists: “The fact that there are two tweets shows that Jean-Luc considered that it was necessary to complete, so that things are clear.” “See Madame Borne, who does nothing against violence against women, teach us a lesson… I say that violence against women are something serious, which must not serve as a pretext for political things and controversies against us”criticizes the deputy.