“Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not Marine Le Pen, we have to stop the bullshit!” says environmentalist Yannick Jadot

Yannick Jadot is worried about the possible arrival of the far right to power. “Are we going to wake up at some point?” asked the ecologist on franceinfo.


Reading time: 3 min

Environmentalist Yannick Jadot, guest of franceinfo on September 25, 2023. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Environmentalist Yannick Jadot deplores, Tuesday June 25 on franceinfo “trivialization” of the National Rally and the obsession around the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “He will not be Prime Ministeraffirms Yannick Jadot, and when I hear part of the left in particular obsessing over Jean-Luc Mélenchon, when it’s the extreme right that arrives, for me it’s not my friend Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but Jean-Luc Mélenchon this is not Marine Le Pen, we have to stop the bullshit!”

“We are proud of the resistance, we are not proud of Vichy!”protests the ecologist Yannick Jadot while “the extreme right is at the gates of power”. “Are we going to wake up at some point?”he says. “Still, we’re France, what the hell makes this country proud? It’s still human rights! It’s still the Revolution of 1789, it’s still having was the host of the Paris Agreement on the climate, it is our social model, it is the National Council of the Resistance It has never been the sorting of the French on the basis of their skin color, of religion or origin!”he continues.

Yannick Jadot recalls that the RN “was founded by the heirs and actors of Vichy, collaboration, the Nazis and the Waffen-SS” [une branche militaire de la Schutzstaffel, organisation paramilitaire et policière nazie aussi désignée par son sigle SS]. Pierre Bousquet, Waffen-SS within the Charlemagne division, indeed held the position of treasurer of the National Front, of which he is one of the founding members. “Are we going to wake up at some point?”says the environmentalist senator.

While “the extreme right is at the gates of power”Yannick Jadot deplores “trivialization” of the National Rally and “obsession” around the Insoumis leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister, I’m not my friend Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not Marine Le Pen, we have to stop the bullshit!”judges the ecologist. “We are not going to have this legislative debate on Jean-Luc Mélenchon, once again, it is settled”he insists, insisting that “the danger is the extreme right”.

Yannick Jadot contests the description of“leftmost” given to the New Popular Front by the presidential camp and part of the right and defends a project “social justice”. “We defend the school, the hospital, the police, the justice system, we want to repair public services and would that suddenly become a far-left program?”asks the environmentalist senator. “We’re crazy!”he repeats without losing his temper.

“When I hear the President of the Republic, elected thanks to our votes, putting an equal sign between a project of emancipation, social and ecological justice and a xenophobic project, I am stunned, my arms drop”he adds, denouncing the call of certain elected officials to vote RN in the event of a duel between the New Popular Front and the RN in the second round, as did Les Républicains MEP François-Xavier Bellamy. “Everyone will have to look in the mirror and ask themselves: am I living up to history by hating Jean-Luc Mélenchon or am I living up to history by preventing the extreme right to arrive in our country”concludes Yannick Jadot.

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