Jean-Luc Mélenchon is “in solidarity” with the strikers and criticizes “Total who does not want to share”

“Our society will not be able to resist with so many poor people and a few rich people who monopolize all the wealth”, considers the leader of rebellious France. The Nupes parties are calling for a “big march against high prices and climate inaction” on Sunday.

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The former La France Insoumise presidential candidate said to himself on Friday October 14 on France Bleu in the program Ma France, “solidarity“with the action of the strikers in the oil industry, despite the “difficulties that can be encountered”. “I have the impression that the strike is well followed and that it is democratically organised”, reacts Jean-Luc Mélenchon. According to him, “What matters is the support of the company’s employees” on strike. The CGT of TotalEnergies will continue the movement while the CFDT and the CFE-CGC, majority, announced having signed this Friday at midday an agreement on wages negotiated with the management of TotalEnergies.

>>> LIVE. Fuel shortage: the CFE-CGC and the CFDT have signed the wage agreement proposed by the management of TotalEnergies

Unsurprisingly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon places himself on the side of the employees who are demanding “their share of a huge hoard that has been absorbed by Total”. L’Insoumis adds: “The power plant strikers are not taking anyone captive and they are not the ones blocking the country, they are blocking the company. So it was up to the government to know that the blocking of the company was going to cause the blocking of the country and therefore to intervene in time”.

“No, the problem today is not the refinery workers, it’s Total who does not want to share”.

Jean-Luc Melenchon

France Blue

He points out that “in the face of the chaos organized by this government”he “would bring order”pleading for “hire people […] on decent terms. Jean-Luc Mélenchon believes that“a kind of convergence can take place between the action of employees and what we call the people, that is to say retirees, students, the precarious, the unemployed”. Them “must“to participate in the “march against the dear life” Sunday, October 16 in Paris, organized by the left parties. “There may be others“, added the leader of La France Insoumise before specifying that this mobilization must “advance in parallel with what the employees decide in their company”.

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