Jean-Luc Mélenchon “is a danger to democracy”, asserts Louis Aliot, RN mayor of Perpignan

Jean-Luc Melenchon “is a danger to democracy”hammered Thursday, June 9 on franceinfo Louis Aliot, RN mayor of Perpignan, three days before the first round of the legislative elections. “The French would do well to listen to what he says when he wants to disarm the police and when he wants to organize chaos in our streets and when he calls for a community vote.” For Louis Aliot, the leader of the Insoumis “seeks to destabilize the Republic.”

>> Legislative 2022: how Emmanuel Macron’s camp has changed your tone against Jean-Luc Mélenchon since the presidential election

While the Nupes is leading the voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections, at 28% according to the Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for Radio France, far ahead of the RN credited with 11%, Louis Aliot wonders about the presence of the PS and EELV in the left coalition. He finds “absolutely unbelievable that moderate left-wing people, if it still exists, have compromised themselves with this kind of talk and this kind of character”. According to him, “the Socialist Party and a number of environmentalists ate their hats for a dish of lentils”but they will have to “tomorrow, assume this choice”. Louis Aliot wonders if, once elected, the socialist or ecologist deputies “will vote for the disarmament of the police”. “Will they vote for the end of nuclear power? Will they vote for a certain number of dismantling of services that are nevertheless useful for life in society, as Mr. Mélenchon foresees?” For the elected RN, “the disorder could be, tomorrow, even more important than what it is today.”

While Jean-Luc Mélenchon asserted that “it is not up to the president to lead the legislative campaign”reacting to the trip and speech of Emmanuel Macron in the Tarn, Louis Aliot believes that “if Mr. Mélenchon did not want to see Mr. Macron, he should not call to vote for him”. According to him, the boss of the Insoumis “is Mr. Macron’s main ally” because he has “called to block Marine Le Pen”.

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounces the consequences of those he voted for himself. That’s his problem.”

Louis Aliot, RN mayor of Perpignan

at franceinfo

Faced with this scenario, Louis Aliot asserts that “the only real opposition there will be in the Assembly, even at 30, even at 50” deputies, “it will be and will always remain the group that will be chaired by Marine Le Pen. Because we are consistent, because we have always defended the same ideas, the same convictions since the presidential election. The rest is just calculations politicians”. Finally, he laments that “for five years”the French will “to eat Mr. Macron’s politics and to eat Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s false brawling opposition which is a real danger for public order, for civil peace and for democracy.”

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