Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead in five departments of Ile-de-France

If the first surprise of this election are the very poor scores of Anne Hidalgo (2%) and Valérie Pécresse (4.8%), the good result of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20.3%) is also quite unexpected.

In Ile-de-France the boss of La France Insoumise is in the lead in five out of eight Ile-de-France departments. It ranks second in Yvelines and Hauts-de-Seine.

For her part, Marine Le Pen is rather stable compared to 2017. She has not made a breakthrough in Ile-de-France for this first round of the 2022 presidential election.

The scores of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen in Ile de France

In Seine et Marne, Jean Luc Mélenchon (25.8%) does better than Emmanuel Macron (25%) and Marine Le Pen (23.5%). It is also a good progression for the leader of La France Insoumise compared to the first round of 2017 where he was credited with 20.8%. Marine Le Pen progressed by barely a small point (22.8% in 2017).

In Melun, for example, for this first round of 2022, La France Insoumise, with 38%, has nearly 15 points more than Emmanuel Macron (23.1%) and 22 points better than Marine Le Pen (16.4 ).

In the Yvelines, Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes second with 22.8% of the vote behind Emmanuel Macron (33.4%) and well ahead of Marine Le Pen (13.7%). The LFI leader jumped just over six points compared to 2017, while Marine Le Pen remained more or less stable (12.9 in 2017).

In Essone, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in the lead with 28.1% of the vote just ahead of Emmanuel Macron (27.6%). Marine Le Pen obtains 18.8% of the vote. It increases little compared to 2017 (16.4%) while Jean-Luc Mélenchon improves his 2017 score by nearly seven points.

In the Hauts-de-Seine, is in second position with 25.7% of the vote. Emmanuel Macron is ahead of him by almost 12 points. Marine Le Pen is far behind with 8.3% of the vote. Here again the LFI candidate has progressed by more than 7 points compared to 2017. Here again Marine Le Pen is stable compared to 2017 (7.6%).

In Seine-Saint-Denis, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is well ahead of this first round with 49%, it’s better than in 2017 when he already posted 34%. The boss of LFI is ahead of Emmanuel Macron (20.2) by almost 29 points and Marine Le Pen (11.8%) by almost 37 points.

Marine Le Pen is down in this department compared to 2017 when it had made 13.5%. Emmanuel Macron is also down from 2017 by four points.

In the Val de Marne, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in the lead with 32.6% followed by Emmanuel Macron (29.1%) and Marine Le Pen (11.8%) which is stable compared to 2017. Compared to the 2017 presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon jumped eight points (24.5%).

In the Val d’Oise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has a score of 31.9%. This is better than in 2017 (23.9%). For this first round of the 2022 presidential election, he distances Emmanuel Macron (26.4%) by more than five points and leaves Marine Le Pen (17.5%) quite far behind, which remains stable compared to 2017 (17.1%). ).

To Paris (coming)

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