Jean-Luc Mélenchon castigates Léa Salamé live because of a blunder that remains in her throat!

Like the other presidential candidates, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is on all fronts to defend the ideas of his party. For several weeks, he has been holding meetings and interviews to convince his fellow citizens. This Wednesday, March 30, 2022, the politician made a remarkable appearance in the morning of France Inter. Jean-Luc Mélenchon answered countless questions from Léa Salamé and Nicolas Demorand without complaining… Or almost!

After having dissected those of the listeners, the main interested party had to make some confidences about his ambitions. “When did you say to yourself for the first time I want to become President of the Republic?” then launched the acolyte of Léa Salamé. “Never”, retorted Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “I’m an engaged citizen, so I don’t have that kind of obsession. I wanted to be helpful.”

“You are terrifying, Léa Salamé”

A point of view that puzzled the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann. “You don’t do the jargon in general but there, on the ‘I never wanted to be president’, if”, added Gabriel’s mother. Stung to the quick, Jean-Luc Mélenchon strongly defended himself: “I did not say that […]. You are terrifying, Léa Salamé. You make summaries. If you want, it didn’t take me one morning to say to myself ‘Hey, I want to be President of the Republic’”.

The opportunity for him to crush former tenants of the Élysée regarding their reforms. The candidate of France Insoumise hopes “do better” than them. “We prepare ourselves intellectually. There, I am prepared as ever, I would know what to do”, assured Jean-Luc Mélenchon with philosophy. In the media, he is known for not having his tongue in his pocket. Everyone takes it for their rank! The next debates promise to be spicy. To be continued…


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