Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate for the union of the left, “why not”, launches the PS mayor of Marseille


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The organization of a primary on the left for the presidential election is far from unanimous. Benoît Payan did not say he was “sure of the process”.

Asked this Wednesday on franceinfo on a possible primary of the left in the presidential election, Benoît Payan, the socialist mayor of Marseille, indicated that he could support any of the candidates, in particular the leader of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon .

Asked whether the mayor of Marseille would support Jean-Luc Mélenchon in case of defeat of Anne Hidalgo in a possible primary, Benoît Payan replied “why not ? What would disqualify Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the fact that he did not support me? Or whether he is excessive with me or not for that matter? I don’t keep any acrimony“. The mayor of Marseille assumes”disagreements“with the rebels,”as there are disagreements with the Communists, with the Greens and the Radicals. And so much the better, it is the specificity of the left in the history of ideas since the 19th century.“.

For the mayor of Marseille, “in the differences game, I will consider that I am the most beautiful, the strongest, the most intelligent. If I consider this, frankly I become a useful idiot from the right“.

As to whether Benoît Payan is sure to vote for Anne Hidalgo in four months in the presidential election, “I’m not sure of the process as we speak. [Anne Hidalgo] can win a primary, people can line up behind her, or behind Fabien Roussel, behind Yannick Jadot or Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Christiane Taubira“.

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