Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacked by Michel Sardou: he responds to the singer’s threats!

Unlucky candidate in the 2022 presidential election – he came 3rd with 21.9% of the vote – Jean-Luc Mélenchon is now betting on a “third round” : to know the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. He thus hopes to win in the Assembly and impose cohabitation on Emmanuel Macron. Unthinkable for Michel Sardou, who refuses to see the left-wing leader become Prime Minister.

Asked by Paris Match to evoke the hit musical i will love your, dedicated to his repertoire and held at the Seine Musicale, Michel Sardou did not escape a question about politics, he who loves to give his opinion in general. “Mélenchon is always in excess. Now he declares himself Prime Minister [si Nupes, la coalition de gauche aux législatives l’emporte en juin, ndlr]… Attention danger ! If he wins, I’m off. Or else I declare Normandy a duchy and I put barriers everywhere“, said the interpreter of Love sickness who now lives full time away from Paris with his wife Anne-Marie Périer.

Michel Sardou, who has long been suspected of being much more to the right of the political spectrum – “They called me facho, but I never voted for the extremes” – assumes his criticisms and explains what he reproaches to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Do you listen to Mélenchon promise retirement at 60, the minimum wage at 2000 euros? Everyone knows it’s impossible!“, swears the singer. Obviously, not everyone shares this opinion, starting with the principal concerned who challenged him on Twitter.Mr. Michel Sardou will you grant me an interview? I want to convince you to stay in France when we win. Many French people love you and the country needs your affection too“, reacted the one who therefore dreams of entering Matignon. A surprisingly benevolent message!

For now, is it possible that Nupes wins against Together, the coalition of the presidential majority? The latest Ifop and Elabe polls give the two neck and neck between 25 and 27% of the vote. To govern with an absolute majority, the government will need 289 deputies and it is not won in advance…

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