Jean-Luc Mélenchon atomized by Michel Sardou, the leader of France Insoumise counter-attacks: “When we have won…”

Michel Sardou is known for his outspokenness. This month in the columns of Paris Match, the husband of Anne-Marie Périer gave himself up like never before! The opportunity for him to discuss his career, but not only. With our colleagues, the artist also spoke politics. Obviously, the ideas of Jean-Luc Mélenchon ulcerate him to the highest degree. The coalition of the left for the legislative challenges him…

If the leader of the France Insoumise entered Matignon, he would be ready to leave France without batting an eyelid. For him, Jean-Luc Mélenchon would always be in “excess”. “Now he declares himself Prime Minister… Attention, danger! If he wins, I’m off. Or else I declare Normandy a duchy and I put up barriers everywhere”, replied Michel Sardou. The artist has always assumed his penchant for the right.

I want to convince you to stay in France…”

But in recent years, the interpreter of “I’m going to love you” has repeatedly become disenchanted with French politics. However, the artist is not ready to turn around. But it is badly to know Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had echo of his spade. On a daily basis, he is very active on social networks. In the media and on the Web, nothing escapes him.

This Thursday, June 2, 2022, Sophia Chikirou’s companion took to his Twitter account to respond to the star. “Mr. Michel Sardou will you grant me an interview? » he writes and adds: “I want to convince you to stay in France when we have won. Many French people love you and the country needs your attention too”. It remains to be seen whether Michel Sardou will respond to his message…

In any case, its publication had the merit of unleashing passions. “The fear and anguish of the bourgeois, we really don’t care”, “Michel Sardou, it’s not this individual who lived in Miami in order to escape the ISF during the 80s and 90s”, “Frankly, retaining Michel Sardou is not my priority at the moment”. Case to follow!


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