Jean-Luc Mélenchon as a couple? “They forbid gestures of affection in public”

Expressing himself with passion when it comes to politics, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is much more discreet when it comes to his private life. The 70-year-old politician has always scrupulously preserved her and since her divorce from ex-activist turned librarian Bernadette Abriel, mother of her only daughter Maryline – married to Gabriel Amard, controversial candidate for the legislative elections – we do not know her. official relationship. In the June 9, 2022 edition of Paris Matchinformation has however surfaced on a woman of influence at his side: Sophia Chikirou, 43 years old.

Asked about his life as a couple by Cyril Hanouna in Balance your post in 2021, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, quite annoyed, presented himself as single. Indeed, as pointed out Paris Matchhe did not wish to institutionalize his relationship with Sophia Chikirou, his companion since leaving the PS [il l’a quitté en 2008, NDLR]”. It is to her, a communication specialist, that he owes his radical change of image, especially with young people. Effective services when you see his popularity with those under 25 but which come at a certain price: that of controversies. The magazine recalls that there is still an investigation at the financial center of the Paris court on the services of the communicator during the 2017 campaign

Twenty-seven years separate Jean-Luc Mélenchon from Sophia Chikirou, but what does it matter for the one who is decked out within her party with the nickname “Pompadour”. The “couple” faces all the tests. His secret? To live happily, let’s stay hidden: “He forbids any sign of affection in public.” We will then see her only in the shadows, a hard worker who spares no one. However, the fact that she is more flexible with some, like Taha Bouhafs, the activist-reporter behind the video on the Benalla case, is not unanimous.After being accused of sexual violence, he is now persona non grata.

New stage for Sophia Chikirou: field policy, the real one. Elected in 2021 as a regional councilor, today aiming for the functions of deputy in Paris, she is gaining in influence. “Melenchonsees a relative for Paris Match, no longer decides anything without it.“The weekly also specifies that on the evening of the first round, he brought her up on stage, just behind him. It is also with her that the future ex-MP (he is not running for re-election since he wants to be “Prime Minister”) would have reenergized himself in his beautiful house in Loiret after the presidential elections.

Find the full article in the magazine Paris Match from June 9, 2022

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