Jean-Luc Mélenchon against hunting during “weekends and school holidays”

Jean-Luc Melenchon is “very proud” to be considered close to animalists without agreeing 100% with them.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the candidate of rebellious France, for the presidential election, invited Wednesday March 30 on France Inter spoke out in favor of stopping the hunt “during weekends and school holidays”.

“I’m not a hunter and I don’t recommend being”he added, presenting himself as sensitive to the issue of animals and aware “counter-ecological aspects of hunting” who “Spreads 8,000 tons of lead in nature which is horribly polluting”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon considers that there is “particularly cruel forms of hunting”citing the “glue hunt” presented as “traditional” and of which he “does not see very well in what it is hunting and in what it deserves that one does not prevent it”.

While the president of the National Federation of Hunters, Willy Schraen denounces the proximity of the rebellious candidate with animalists, Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared himself “very proud to be” without agreeing 100% with them. “Animalists influence us, weigh on us, there is no longer a speech where I do not talk about the condition of animals”he continued, preferring to be accused of animalism than “cruelty or indifference towards nature”.

Open to discussions on this topic “that triggers passions”Jean-Luc Mélenchon however assumed that he “avoided yelling at each other” with his parents “who hunt” by proceeding “rationally” on this file, without opposing it head-on. If Willy Schraen called to vote Emmanuel Macron, Jean-Luc Mélenchon assured to have the support “of a few hunters”. “Hunting is not a political party, it is an activity, it seems absurd to me to color it politically”he concluded.

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