Jean (Love is in the meadow) “two centimeters away” from dying: a drama at the origin of his new look

At 60, Jean, a breeder of suckler cows who works in the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region, father of three children, tried his luck on the show Love is in the meadow. The public was able to discover it last February during the broadcast of his portrait and they met a man of great sensitivity who was betrayed for years by an ex-girlfriend.

The public therefore found it touching and had then barely noted that he was missing teeth. A dentition that was put forward a few months later, when the show was back for the opening of the mails. Jean indeed revealed a new smile. “And it was Karine Le Marchand who motivated me to redo my dental care, and I’m not unhappy about it.“, confided Jean all perky. The revelation of this new mouth had then made the buzz.

This story of teeth was therefore, at the base, rather joyful but as revealed by the one who rejected the rocker Nathalie, behind all this story was hiding a drama. An accident more precisely that could have sent him six feet underground. “Two centimeters away, he was killing me“, indeed declared Jean to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure.

Jean explained that he was the victim of a terrible misadventure with one of his animals: “I got kicked by a six month old calf rodeoing.“An incident which certainly scared her three children very much and which took place a very long time ago,”three or four years before the show arrived for filming“, as he later clarifies.

In the show, Jean made the choice to continue his adventure with the reserved Laurence. Together they went to Rome and everything suggests that they are surely still very much in love with each other. If this is the case, Jean must certainly support his beauty who is at the heart of a scandal since disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against her. Jean’s suitor indeed participated in the filming of Love is in the meadow while she was on sick leave…

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