Jean (Love is in the meadow) tensions on the farm: his suitors cannot see each other

The stay at Jean’s farm promises to be eventful! After his speed-dating in Love is in the meadow, Jeans had made the decision to invite to his home for a few days Natalie and Laurence. The first, aged 55 and from Grenoble, was the cow breeder’s favorite when reading the mail. He also liked her short, platinum blonde haircut. The second is also 55 years old and has been single for four years. Her obvious sweetness and the tenderness she exudes succeeded in seducing the touching Jean.

It was Laurence who was the first to arrive at the breeder of suckler cows who works in the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region. Hardly had she had time to put down her luggage, take a tour of the owner and prepare her bed, than she had already left to accompany Jean to the station, where he had come to pick up Nathalie. input, tensions were felt. Indeed, Nathalie did not really appreciate seeing the farmer arrive with her rival and it was therefore a rather cold reception that she reserved for them.

The trio then went shopping for the week and the characters began to assert themselves. Especially that of Nathalie once again. Eager to capture Jean’s attention, she quickly took control, filling the shopping cart as she saw fit. Laurence, much more reserved, had more difficulty imposing herself, except when it came to the ingredients to make her quiche Lorraine! Indeed, the sweet brunette was categorical when choosing the dough, which will be broken and not flaky as Nathalie wanted. At another point, there are tensions over salt and then another disagreement over pickles. For his part, Jean did not seem to notice the little bickering that was beginning to take place between his two suitors.

Once back home, Nathalie appreciated finally being able to spend some time alone with Jean. Because, as for Laurence, he had planned for them to make his bed together… If for romanticism we will come back, Nathalie was conquered and took the opportunity to offer him a gift made with one’s own hands. It was a picture made of pearls that he hastened to hang on the wall.

During the meal, however, the atmosphere had not calmed down between Nathalie and Laurence. The blonde reproached her rival for wanting to speak louder than her or to put herself forward. Laurence, for her part, has recognized that she has too strong a character and understands that she will have to redouble her efforts to stand out…

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