Jean (Love is in the meadow): His confession which will infuriate Nathalie even more

He is one of the emblematic candidates of Love is in the meadow 2022 (M6). Jeans, a 58-year-old suckler cow breeder in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is undoubtedly the one who has caused the most buzz since the beginning of the adventure. His languorous kiss with Laurence and the tensions with Nathalie fascinated the public. And the latter should not appreciate the last revelation of the farmer, during an interview for Entertainment TV (October 24 edition).

At the end of the speed-dating, Jean had invited Nathalie and Laurence to his home in order to get to know them better. And very quickly, it was the latter who broke away despite her discretion. During a guinguette, the candidate therefore kissed her … under the eyes of her rival. Once back at the farm, Nathalie settled her accounts. “You hurt me, I was very disappointed with your behavior towards me, even if you had chosen Laurence, I’m not from the sea**. I was starting to have things for you. (…) If I could go on foot there, I would go. It stuffs me, I have the devil too much“, she was indignant. Then, she announced that she had made the choice to leave, thus allowing the lovebirds to get closer.

What more can be said ? I understand his complaints, I shouldn’t have, but it happened so naturally“, said Jean during an interview for Entertainment TV when the subject was brought up again. He then felt he was “well done to calm things down“. The journalist of our colleagues, who was able to go to his home, then noticed that the pearl painting representing a dirt road and trees under an autumn sky offered by Nathalie was not there. He hasn’t been here long. One of my sons picked it up“, therefore confessed the farmer. A confession that should not please the main interested party.

Of course, Jean could not reveal if he was still in a relationship with Laurence today. The contender – who is controversial because of sick leave – was in any case not at home during the interview so as not to spoil the suspense if this is indeed the case.

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