Jean (Love is in the meadow), first “bucco-digital” contacts with Nathalie

It was a new day on the farm for the contenders of Jeans in the episode of Love is in the meadow Airing this Monday, September 5. As a reminder, after his speed-datings, the cow breeder had chosen to invite to his home for a few days Natalie and Laurence. The first is 55 years old and comes from Grenoble and the second is also 55 years old and has been single for four years. The farmer still has time before being able to make his choice, but a preference seems to be beginning to assert itself.

In any case, this is what Nathalie felt during a country walk. And for good reason, passing in front of a water source, Jean did not hesitate to suggest a break to hydrate. Better still, he gave Nathalie a drink himself, using his hands. Something to upset her. “Jean made me drink water from the spring in his hands and to touch his hands with my mouth, it’s tactile, it’s a start, I liked it“, she confided afterwards.

Of “first oral-digital contacts“, as Karine Le Marchand pointed out in voiceover, which gave wings to the contender. In her bubble on the way back, she then began to pick flowers to offer her a bouquet and thus leave her mark at home. Problem, her rival Laurence with whom she has already experienced several tense scenes decided to do the same, which annoyed Nathalie. “Laurence started making a bouquet because I started making a bouquet. We agree ? But hey, mine is prettier. It annoys me“, she dropped in front of the camera. Of course, these two are not going to be friends!

Never mind, in the evening, the one who is often compared to Annie Cordy found another way to stand out by organizing a surprise for Jean. It was for her to take him, with Laurence also of course, to karaoke. A project that thrilled the farmer, in a hurry to see the strong-willed blonde sing. Images to discover during the next episodes of Love is in the meadow !

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