Jean Lassalle wants to count blank votes “so that citizens regain awareness of their power”


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The blank vote would force the elected officials to “review their copy”, which for Jean Lassalle, would be “a peaceful process of reconstruction” of French society.

“If the white vote comes first in an election, we start the election again”, explains Sunday, April 3 on franceinfo the candidate Résistons! in the presidential election Jean Lassalle who is in favor of it being counted as a vote cast and that it has an invalidating character if it is in an absolute majority.

>> “The presidential election is cancelled”: what if a real consideration of the blank vote changes the course of the election?

“The signal would be strong for citizens to regain awareness of their power and for the elites to be forced to review their copy”assures the former mayor of Lourdios-Ichère (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) who sees “a peaceful process of reconstruction” of French society.

In the event of a new victory of the blank vote during a second election, Jean Lassalle proposes that the candidate who came second be elected “since Monsieur or Madame Blanc cannot govern a country”. “He would have virtually no legitimacy,” he acknowledges, “but no less than the one who will be elected in the second round of the current presidential election”.

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