Jean Lassalle surrounded by his 4 children for a difficult announcement

It is with great emotion that I make this decision. I will miss the riding very much“, declared, visibly moved, the deputy Liberties and Territories, elected to the National Assembly for 20 years, during a press conference at his office. The elected official, who will be 67 on Tuesday, justified his decision by there “national situation“, castigating a presidential election “played in advance“.”I have the feeling that the country is falling apart before our eyes. Rural territories no longer interest anyone, like my Aspe valley“, he regretted, taking the example of the RN134, between Pau and Spain, “totally neglected by the state“.

Jean Lassalle also highlighted his “Imedical requirements“, explaining that he was going “undergo delicate open-heart surgery in the next few days“, without specifying whether this health reason was the reason for his decision.

The former Bearn shepherd, known for his singular interventions in the hemicycle or in the media, assured that he “was not done with politics“.”But I’m sure I have to fight my fight differently“, he underlined. And to evoke the criminal investigation opened by the public prosecutor’s office of Pau following the public staging of his abstention in the second round of the presidential election, in a polling station in his commune of Lourdios-Ichère.”Me and my community have been dishonored. I will fight heart and soul to defend my honor“, assured the deputy, referring to these lawsuits for “infringements of the electoral code concerning attacks on the sincerity of the ballots“.

Indeed, the votes of the municipality of which he was the mayor for forty-two years, were canceled by the Constitutional Council, which said it was considering “possible criminal proceedings“. For this type of offense, the code provides for a penalty of up to one year’s imprisonment as well as additional penalties such as ineligibility and prohibition of the right to vote. Jean Lassalle, who had won more than a million votes and 3.13% of the votes during the first round under the label of his Résistons! movement, had mimed in front of the ballot box in the second round the gesture of the vote before slipping his “blank ballot“in his pocket, declaring himself”abstainer in front of the ballot box”.

Regarding the upcoming elections, the MP indicated that he was in discussion with his brother Julien Lassalle, retired shepherd, so that the latter takes up the torch. This last “will make its decision in the next few days“.

The former elected UDF, who had joined the Modem of his former friend François Bayrou, before breaking up with him and founding his Résistons movement!have about fifteen young people around him” whom he wants”learn what it is to stand up for others and love them”. “I hope to present them at the next legislative elections.“, he continued.

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