Jean Lassalle forces a young woman to dance in the middle of the Agricultural Show!

On first viewing, we see the deputy for Pyrénées-Atlantiques embark on a frenzied and rather brutal choreography, taking to dance in a cavalier way a young woman who was quietly drinking her drink. During the scene, she loses her bob resting on her head and ends with a somewhat confusing last turn. On closer inspection, we can observe that the ephemeral partner of the leader of the Résistons movement ends the session by raising her arms high, delighted to have participated in this unexpected dance with the 66-year-old politician and father of four. children.

The Agricultural Show is an opportunity for politicians to display their opinions and support in a friendly setting. Important passage for those who want to govern all of France, and not only that of the cities, it allows to capture moments like that of Jean Lassalle. More seriously, a defender of rurality, he launched in 2008 with André Chassaigne a national appeal for the Estates General of the French countryside, calling for stopping the programmed decline of the French countryside to be a great national cause.

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