Jean-Jacques Savin announced dead by his family: unprecedented imbroglio, the body of the adventurer not found

Addicted to series on vampires and zombies, he knows everything about your favorite stars, with a slight preference for what happens across the Atlantic. If he has the hot blood of the Spaniards, he still keeps his very French humor and never shrinks from a well-felt pun.

Reported missing since Friday, the adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin, who was trying to cross the Atlantic by rowing, is nowhere to be found. Announced dead and then reported missing again, his body has still not been discovered.

It’s a terrible story that played out this weekend in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Known to be an outstanding adventurer, Jean Jacques Savin is still missing since last Friday. While he tried the crazy bet of row across the Atlantic, the 75-year-old man hasn’t been seen since last weekend and the hopes of finding him are dwindling day by day. His family had however announced on Saturday that his body had been found lifeless inside the cabin of his canoe, named L’Audacieux.

But this information was subsequently denied by the Portuguese Navy. “The search ended yesterday at the end of the day (Saturday) without it being possible to find the victim”, she said in a press release. If Jean-Jacques Savin’s boat was indeed found not far from the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores, it would therefore seem that the Frenchman was not on board. Returned at the time of its discovery, L’Audacieux was quickly recovered by the Portuguese Navy.

There have been some confusions that we are currently seeking to clear up

On the side of the family of Jean-Jacques Savin, we try to explain this imbroglio: “There have been confusions that we are currently trying to clear up. We don’t know any more. We are awaiting information from the Portuguese authorities”, said the adventurer’s team to AFP. But the hopes of finding him alive are now slim, especially in view of the events of recent days. The latter had triggered his two distress beacons and was in great difficulty. The last time his team was able to speak to him, he was heading to a small island in the Azores to repair his boat.

Research is currently continuing to find the body of Jean-Jacques Savin. The former parachutist soldier wanted to become the “dean of the Atlantic” by achieving the performance of successfully crossing at 75 years old.

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