Jean-Jacques Goldman:

It has been several years since Jean-Jacques Goldman decided to leave the stage to lead a peaceful and quiet existence. The composer, who lives between London and Marseille, is currently on vacation in the mountains with his family. With his wife Nathalie, and two of their three daughters, Kimi and Rose, the star settled down at Club Med in Valmorel (Savoie), as indicated Paris Match. There, they found a very famous couple namely Kad Merad and his companion Julia Vignali. Passing through the same ski resort, they took the opportunity to dine with friends.

Among the other information distilled by our colleagues, we learn that the favorite personality of the French (for the 11th time, editor’s note) could come out of retirement for only one reason. Or rather for a single artist. “He would never say no to Celine Dion if the latter asked him for a song”. However, in this scenario, the artist would go “to draw on its funds rather than to start composing again”.

Celine Dion and Jean-Jacques Goldman have worked together for many years. The starting point of this fruitful connection? The piece Ziggy of the Quebec star who impressed JJG in 1993. After participating in Motherfuckers at the Grand Rex, the singer will have the honor of working with the interpreter of I give you on an entire album: D’eux, released in 1995 with the flagship title, Pour que tu m’aime encore.

The song will remain 12 weeks number 1 in sales in France but also the most broadcast by French radios during the year. Celine Dion’s 15th CD is the best-selling French-speaking album in the history of music!

A new association between the two stars, however, should not be done immediately since the mother of René-Charles must first resolve health problems.

See also: Victim of “severe muscle spasms”, Celine Dion cancels her next concerts for health problem


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