Jean-Jacques Goldman no longer touches an instrument: revelations about his physical condition

It is the same story every year when the media publish the ranking of the favorite personalities of the French. Despite his media and professional absence, Jean-Jacques Goldman has kept an intact aura with his compatriots and he has been in the top three for many years. A popularity that does not weaken for the singer and composer, author of dozens of hits, each more memorable than the next. The problem for his fans is that the 70-year-old artist has put his career on hold for over 17 years now.

A long absence for the father of six children living in London for several years. In a long interview given to Paris Match, his childhood friend, Jean Bender, confided in the singer and wanted to say more about the reasons which pushed Jean-Jacques Goldman to withdraw. According to him, if he does not “no longer touch an instrument”, it is mainly because he thinks that “his hands, once so skilled on strings and keyboards, have lost their agility”.

He does not wish to sing again out of fear for his vocal cords

Jean Bender has just released the book All it takes is a sign dedicated to his lifelong friend, outstanding lyricist, but just as capable of singing admirably. Unfortunately, on this point, there is also little chance of hearing it again since “barely hums” for the simple reason that he fears for “his vocal cords damaged by age”, as his friend points out.

Its fans must therefore face the facts, with the explanations of Jean Bender and the prolonged absence of the icon of French song, there is now very little chance that we will witness a return of the companion of Nathalie. But hope gives life …

Find the full article in the latest issue of Paris Match, released Thursday, November 4, 2021.

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