Jean-Jacques Goldman: Goodbye London? The singer “commutes”, revelations about his new life …

Goodbye pudding, tea time and fish and chips? Not entirely. Singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, who has settled in the suburbs of London since 2016, still has a foothold in France. It was his friend and former colleague Michael Jones who unveiled the behind the scenes of the intimate life of the most discreet of French artists.

Guest of the show Roll on Sunday on December 12, 2021, Michael Jones (69) did not escape a question about his friendship with Jean-Jacques Goldman (70). It must be said that they collaborated together for many years to give birth to hits like I give you Where We will go. While the host Michel Drucker specified that the very popular singer was installed with his wife Nathalie and their children near London, his comrade however provided a clarification: “He is still French, he lives in Marseille.“A statement which confirms the return of JJG to the Marseille city. At the time of his departure for the United Kingdom, a small controversy had erupted around a supposed tax exile …

Despite this time spent in Marseille – where he has a house which is considered to be his main residence – Jean-Jacques Goldman has however not really packed his bags and also remains an inhabitant of London, where he is a tenant; Paris Match specified in its pages in 2019 that his house was “West of Greater London, in an English middle-class suburb” corn The Parisian evoked in 2021 the chic corner of Wembley … Thus, Michel Drucker said for his part that “commute“between the two countries now.

Jean-Jacques Goldman would have liked to settle in the kingdom of Her Majesty Elizabeth II for his daughters – Maya (born in 2004), Kimi (born in 2005) and Rose (born in 2007) -, so that they learn English perfectly, for his part, had let go of his other friend, Erick Benzi. Recently, the exile of the former boss of the Enfoirés also found a possible explanation in the pages of the book All it takes is one sign, written by musician Jean Bender. The latter evokes in particular the fear of the singer of an anti-Semitic aggression in France. “A fear that has never left him and which also explains his restraint“, writes the author, emphasizing the extreme discretion of the artist, who still refuses to return to the show busines …

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