Jean-Jacques Goldman breaks the silence with delicate attention for a famous journalist, “moved”

Jean-Jacques Goldman’s appearances are rare. Based in London, where he lives a peaceful daily life with his wife Nathalie and their daughters (Maya, born in 2004, Kimi, born in 2005 and Rose born in 2007) – he is also the father of three eldest, Caroline (1975), Michael (1979) and Nina (1985), fruits of his first marriage to Catherine Morlet – the 70-year-old artist remains far from any media life. But he does not forget his public or all the people who pay him any attention. The singer does not fail to return the favor, as with this letter he sent to the journalist Dominique Lagrou-Sempere.

Proud and happy, Dominique Lagrou-Sempere shared this Wednesday, June 8 part of this letter on Twitter. “He kept his promise : ‘A moment of fever and sweetness, not all life but a few hours’. Sincerely, Jean-Jacques Goldman“, wrote Jean-Jacques Goldman, taking up his friend Johnny Hallyday. “To receive this message from the one who made my adolescence dance, accompanied my joys, made my sorrows resonate, put to music what is not said, whispered the words of love that we dared not pronounce… Thank you, very . Am moved“, commented the former emblematic face of TF1, visibly upset by this letter from his idol.

Why such attention?

But why did Jean-Jacques Goldman pay such particular attention to Dominique Lagrou-Sempere? The artist actually wanted to thank her for sending her her book After the storm (ed. Flammarion), which was published in November 2021. The father of the family also did not fail to take up his pen last March to thank the singer Amir for having sent him the book. Amir’s story (ed. Out of Collection). He may have turned a page, Jean-Jacques Goldman does not forget anyone.

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