Jean-Jacques Bourdin speaks out on the accusations of Fanny Agostini and other women

Faced with accusations of “attempted sexual assault” which are cited in an article by Mediapart of February 14, 2022, Jean-Jacques Bourdin spoke through a press release. The star of RMC and BFMTV reacted to this investigation which notably gives the name of the one who accuses him, Fanny Agostiniformer weather presenter of the same group as him and ex-host of Thalassa.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin (72) declared having discovered in the press the grievances formulated, “often on condition of anonymity”, for alleged facts that sometimes go back two decades. “He strongly disputes have had actions or attitudes likely to be repressed by law, both in his professional sphere and outside it“, we read in this document written by his lawyer Christian Saint-Palais. He adds let justice be doneincluding for periods covered by prescription“, and calmly awaits the decisions that will result from it. He also thanks all the people who have assured him of their support.

In a media whirlwind since the affair broke with an article by the Parisian last January, the presenter of Direct Bourdin had assured the same daily that he actually knew the complainant but that he had “never tried to kiss her by force“.”Neither her nor anyone else” .

Married to the great reporter Anne Nivat, mother of their son Louis (born in 2006), Jean-Jacques Bourdin is very affected by this scandal, as she had confided on the set of CNews at the beginning of the month. Her husband was temporarily removed from the RMC and BFMTV antenna and an investigation was entrusted by the Paris prosecutor’s office to the 16th arrondissement police station. In addition, an internal investigation has been opened by Altice, parent company of BFMTV and RMC. For her part, Fanny Agostini declared on Twitter that she was no longer afraid to speak today and invited all women who have suffered in silence to free their speech.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the end of the investigation.

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