Jean-François Piège: Rare photo with his 2-year-old daughter, his fans under the spell


On the other hand, what is no secret to anyone is that he works hand in hand with his wife, since the couple manages several Parisian restaurants. The chef has opened several Parisian establishments including Mimosa, The Chicken in the Pot and Clover Grill, at the side of his wife, who deals more with communication. “JI take care of everything that doesn’t concern the kitchen and I’m fine where I am. I’ve always preferred to be in the shadows. I talk about the man I love and the restaurants I have with him, it suits me very well”, she confessed during the interview two is better for the magazine Glamour.

The publicized part is therefore reserved for her husband, who has notably offered himself a small television career after several participations in the show An almost perfect dinner on M6 or on Top chefin which he became the essential member of the show’s jury in 2010 before leaving the program in 2019.

Despite this complementarity, the couple does not escape some friction. “It often happens that we argue, but for trifles. We argue rather than argue. And since neither of us has strong characters, we tend to let things slide. Sometimes we push the subject under the rug. Sometimes it comes out” she admitted. But despite these small clashes, the agreement is still present. “Working together gives us great freedom.” said the chef.

My true happiness is to spend an evening at home he added, he who likes to be with his wife after work. A nice career therefore for the lovebirds, recently impacted by the crisis of the Covid 19.

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