Jean-Daniel (Love is in the meadow) soon as a couple? “There might be something …”

Jean-Daniel was among the farmers who took stock of their adventure and love life during the Love is in the meadow 2021 aired on November 29, on M6. And he surprised Karine Le Marchand.

It is with a “little hipster look” that the 54-year-old winemaker and cow breeder Hérens made his appearance. And as the 53-year-old presenter noted, he was hot. “That’s what life is a bit special. A different life“, he first confided. Intrigued, Karine Le Marchand had a hard time pulling the worms out of her.”I still tell viewers that he has turned his head upside down. He was half naked on the table last night“, she specified. A detail that Jean-Daniel would undoubtedly have preferred to keep secret.

It was then time to return to his adventure. After twelve years of celibacy and four years of abstinence, the farmer hoped to meet the woman of his life among the eight suitors selected for the speed-dating. He finally shared this great experience with Zakia, a 53-year-old girl from Grenoble of Kabyle origin, and with Céline, a 45-year-old Swiss compatriot. If it was inflamed after these meetings, the bellows quickly fell during the stay on the farm. “I quickly realized that seduction was not there on my side“, he clarified.

It didn’t go very well with Zakia. He quickly realized that it wouldn’t fit with her, because of her strong character. “A person with too strong a temperament, incompatibility of mood“, he declared. We indeed remember their dinner under high tension. On the other hand, he was more attracted to Celine. But the latter saw clearly that there was no seduction and that they were were maybe just friends. “I am still in contact with Céline. I still remain a little fearful and suspicious as I have suffered in the past. I realized that maybe we couldn’t share a life the same way“, he confided.

Despite everything, Jean-Daniel was not disappointed with his experience. He had “quiet slopes” since. “There might be something happening“, he concluded. He prefers for the moment to remain discreet on the subject, because nothing was done.

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