Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (72 years old): He tells his life as a dad with his daughter Eugénie, 2 years old

Three women counted in the life of Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: his first wife Catherine de Castelbajac to whom he married in 1979 (and from whom he divorced in 1994), and with whom he had his two grown-up boys Guilhem and Louis-Marie (born in 1979 and 1983), Mareva Galanter (with whom he stayed for ten years, from 2002 to 2012) and Pauline de Drouas, whom he married in 2019 in Paris. From marriage to the pretty blonde who is 35 years younger than him, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac has experienced a new happiness: that of welcoming a third child in March 2020. This little blond angel who fills him with happiness is named Eugénie.

On September 4, 2022, during an interview granted to Sunday newspaper, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac offers some secrets about his daily life as a dad. Eugenie, who already likes to draw from the height of her 2 years, gives new colors to the weekends of her famous dad. “We leave with the stroller, we cross the Parc Monceau or the Jardin d’Acclimatation, whose side I love both outdated and well arranged as in a museumshares the 72-year-old stylist. We have lunch at Rimal, a Lebanese restaurant that has always been run by the same family. I also like Loulou, the most beautiful terrace in Paris, behind the Museum of Decorative Arts, whose map I drew. It passes very quickly, on Sundays, with children.”

When Eugénie will be old enough, she will go to the cinema with her dad. This denier already knows that salty popcorn will always be there for their releases in dark rooms. “It’s one of Proust’s popcorns that are important in my life“, confides Jean-Charles de Castelbajac.

If Eugénie is not yet old enough to go to the cinema with her dad, the little girl already has magnificent trips to her credit. This summer, she visited Italy and the region of Tuscany with her parents. A trip immortalized in photos and shared on social networks. This is how we see little Eugenie discovering the city of Voltera or sitting on a bench, facing the sea.

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