Jean Castex’s announcements, political meetings and the presidential campaign … Thierry Solère’s 8:30 am franceinfo

The LREM deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and political advisor to Emmanuel Macron was the guest of 8:30 am franceinfo, Tuesday, December 28, 2021.

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Thierry Solère, political advisor to Emmanuel Macron and LREM deputy for Hauts-de-Seine was the guest of 8:30 am franceinfo, Tuesday, December 28, 2021. He answered questions from Céline Asselot and Jean-François Achilli.

New Year’s Eve: the curfew, an “ineffective” measure

“Frankly in the era of Covid, it is with us that it is best”, defended Thierry Solère the day after Jean Castex’s announcements to limit the spread of the fifth wave of Covid-19. Asked about the absence of coercive measures for the evening of December 31, the elected LREM explained that a curfew would be “obviously quite ineffective”.

Banning meetings would be “unconstitutional”

Asked about the criticisms from the world of culture who are surprised that the gauges are limited in concerts but not during political rallies, Thierry Solère believes that“There is not a country in the world which has preserved cultural creation so much”. Should we ban electoral meetings as suggested by Brice Hortefeux, Monday on franceinfo? “To demand constraints on parties would be unconstitutional”, answers the political adviser while judging that Eric Zemmour’s meeting, without a health pass required, was “irresponsible”.

He “hopes” that Emmanuel Macron will be a candidate

Former member of Les Républicains, Thierry Solère was also critical of Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate: “I would like Valérie Pécresse not to forget that she is president of the Île-de-France region. She was elected to take care of transport. I don’t hear her talk about that anymore.” Emmanuel Macron will he represent himself? “I hope that the President of the Republic will be a candidate”, evaded his political adviser.

Review the entire 8:30 am franceinfo of Tuesday, December 28

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