Jean Castex, the Prime Minister, will not resign before his return from the Vatican on Sunday

“For my part, the adventure is over. It is a political necessity”. It is with these words that Jean Castex greeted the entire government meeting at Matignon on Thursday May 12 in the evening, according to comments reported by franceinfo. But even to his ministers, he said nothing of the precise day of his resignation. According to information from franceinfo, the Prime Minister will remain at Matignon until his departure for the Vatican on Sunday to represent France on the occasion of the canonization of the priest Charles de Foucault. He will return there in the evening. According to concordant sources, it is only then that he will resign.

The Prime Minister brought together the 41 ministers and their spouses on Thursday evening for a farewell dinner where he told them of his “feelings”. “I obviously regret leaving my duties here at Matignon where I was very happy.” He expressed his “very sincere gratitude” to his government with whom he has “passed ordeals”admitting that there is “a growing difficulty in managing the public good”. But it has “awareness of the difficulty of the task”.

“We faced a lot of difficulties but we were up to the task and in the fight”underlined the Prime Minister. “We have had to face terrorist attacks together.”

“This evening is not about congratulating ourselves. But while we had to manage an exceptional crisis and war is on Europe’s doorstep, we have had very solid legislative and regulatory activity.”

Jean Castex, Prime Minister

at franceinfo

Returning to the presidential election and the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, Jean Castex welcomed “the arbiter of elegance: the sovereign people who have spoken”. “We must join all our forces so that this result is confirmed in the coming weeks”launched the head of government to his team.

“Never forget that we are only servants!”, he hammered. “Political action is collective action”, added the Prime Minister. He pointed out that “Ambitions are legitimate” but that they”are only worth if they are at the service of the collective”. “I had the immense honor for my part to serve the country, the French, and you too”concluded Jean Castex.

The Prime Minister received as a gift from his government a rugby jersey signed by all his ministers and flocked with the number 9, that of the scrum half, the host of the game, like the current captain of the XV of France , Antoine Dupont.

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