Jean Castex positive for Covid-19, violence in Guadeloupe, incidents during the Lyon-Marseille match … Those informed of Tuesday, November 23

Every evening, the informed discuss the news on franceinfo.

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Reading time : <1 min.

The themes :

Jean Castex in solitary confinement: health advice tomorrow

Violence in Guadeloupe: firmness to curb contagion?

Presidential: Marine Le Pen settles her accounts with Éric Zemmour

Incidents during the Lyon-Marseille match: should clubs be sanctioned?

The informed:

Audrey Goutard, journalist, head of the investigation and reporting service at France Télévisions

Albert Zennou, editor-in-chief of the political service of Figaro

Patrick Le Hyaric, columnist at Humanity

Gaspard Gantzer, president of Gantzer Agency, lecturer at SciencesPo

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