Jean Castex plans to stay at Matignon until the legislative elections in the event of Marine Le Pen’s victory

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08:48 : ? “The yarmulke will not be banned. Our ambition is to fight Islamic fundamentalism. The priority is Islamism, the priority is to limit immigration which has become out of control and which is the breeding ground for communalism,” says Jordan Bardella.

08:48 : Jordan Bardella, the interim president of the National Rally, is the guest of franceinfo. He returns to the fact that “the yarmulke will not be banned”. “Our ambition is to fight the fundamentalist Islamist and we will fight all their claims”he says.

08:40 : Asked about how Emmanuel Macron has “moved” in the in-between rounds on the pension reform, Jean Castex evokes “significant adaptations to the method”. “Changing the pace of a reform means listening, not denying oneself”argues the Prime Minister.

08:32 : .@JeanCASTEX: “Madame Le Pen has never governed anything. We have managed this magnificent country that is France, a country that likes to challenge the exercise of power. Of course we do our part. But the worst is always possible. The Le Pens remain the Le Pens.” #le79Inter

08:33 : “The worst is always possible”says Jean Castex.

08:27 : “The match is not folded.”

Jean Castex is the guest of France Inter. “I am one of those who think that a new impetus after the re-election of the president must be found”he says, while being cautious. “I don’t have any form of concern but I think nothing is settled and I think nothing should be drawn” surveys.

08:21 : #2022LeDébat “This debate is a very important element of Sunday’s victory”?️ @louis_aliot, RN mayor of #Perpignan▶ #Les4V with @Caroline_Roux

08:21 : Does Marine Le Pen apprehend tomorrow evening’s debate against Emmanuel Macron? “It’s a question of concentration and looking your opponent in the face”estimates on France 2 Louis Aliot, his spokesperson.

08:11 : “Marine Le Pen is in the historical continuity of what her father did at the National Front. Anti-immigration, xenophobia, it is a marker of frontist software and the far right.”

A “elementary rule” also cements the entire program of Marine Le Pen: “Put ours before others”. It wants to limit access to nationality based on criteria of “merit and assimilation”. Find all the explanations in our article.

08:08 : Once elected, Marine Le Pen intends to modify the Constitution in order to include the “national priority”. It is a question of making legal the discrimination between the French and the foreigners. Such registration is unconstitutional. To endorse it despite everything, the candidate wants to do without Parliament.

08:08 : What does Marine Le Pen’s program contain? Behind her speech of trivialization, the candidate of the National Rally defends a xenophobic and authoritarian project, which would weaken the counter-powers and would put France on the ban of European democracies. Analysis in this article.


07:49 : About tomorrow evening’s debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, Louis Aliot “hope it will be solemn, serious, argument against argument, project against project”.

07:47 : In the “4 Truths”, on France 2, Louis Aliot, spokesman for Marine Le Pen, criticizes the “lightness” and the “over-communication” of Emmanuel Macron during his five-year term.


07:35 : Claude Chirac, daughter of former President Jacques Chirac, and her husband Frédéric Salat-Baroux, former secretary general of the Elysée, call for “not a voice is missing from Emmanuel Macron” against Marine Le Pen. “As Jacques Chirac said throughout his life, it’s time to fight against extremism”they write in a statement to AFP.

07:25 : Marine Le Pen has chosen to make this debate the priority of her campaign between the two rounds. Relaxed agenda, training via fake debates… “We all suggested to her to prepare well, to rest well so that she does not arrive stressed”confides to franceinfo Steeve Briois, the RN mayor of Hénin-Beaumont.

07:23 : The difference with 2017 is also “that Emmanuel Macron will be in a much more uncomfortable situation because he has a record”observes the historian Jean Garrigues. “If Marine Le Pen manages during the debate to point out the negative aspects of the balance sheet and she manages to gain credibility”she could score points, according to Arnaud Mercier.

07:22 : “In a very tight context like today, winning his debate can allow you to win the election”believes Arnaud Mercier, professor of political communication at the University of Paris Pathéon-Assas. “If the polls tell us the day before that the two candidates are at 51% and 49%, the debate will be of enormous importance.”

07:21 : Return match. Marine Le Pen claims to have learned the lessons of her failed debate in 2017 when it came to finding Emmanuel Macron for a new confrontation. But can this debate between the two rounds between the two finalists really change the result of the election? Response elements.


07:28 : The regional daily The Telegram presents the possible governments of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.

07:11 : The daily Opinion also puts Marine Le Pen in one. He imagines the election of the RN candidate and her first 100 days at the Elysée. “Europe, Constitutional Council, Council of State… From its launch, the program of the candidate of the National Rally will cause many frictions, not without economic consequences”warns the newspaper.

07:02 : Unsurprisingly, the presidential election largely occupied the front pages of the daily newspapers this morning. Le Parisien / Today in France details the “five faults” of Marine Le Pen’s programs.

07:02 : “The election of Emmanuel Macron means wanting the country’s recovery to continue. Remember, in the debate five years ago, we only talked about unemployment. And today, revealingly, no one says a word about it.

In an interview with the regional daily The Republic of the Pyrenees (article subscribers), François Bayrou, close to Emmanuel Macron, believes that tomorrow’s debate between the two finalists is “crucial”.

06:44 : The preparation of Emmanuel Macron remains mysterious. We do not yet have details on his schedule for the day. On the merits, the outgoing president expects to be attacked on his five-year term. “We are going to be pounded on the balance sheet. We must unmask her on the project, unravel her program”said an adviser to Emmanuel Macron.

06:37 : Five days before the second round, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron give priority to the debate tomorrow evening. The Rassemblement candidate is preparing the debate between the two rounds “at home”, surrounded by close advisers. “I will work on my debate at home in a completely normal way as I prepare all the programs”she assured in the program “Ma France” on France Bleu.

07:34 : Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the titles:

• The Ukrainian President affirmed last night that the Russian army had begun its offensive in eastern Ukraine. This new phase of the invasion was announced by Moscow several weeks ago.

• On the eve of the big debate between the two finalists, Emmanuel Macron is ahead of Marine Le Pen by 12 points in the voting intentions for the second round, according to the daily barometer produced by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Today in France.

• The city of Shanghai, confined since the beginning of the month, has announced seven new deaths from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours. This brings the total of deaths in the Chinese economic capital to 10.

• L’israeli army carried out the first airstrikes in months on the Gaza Strip. This is retaliation for a rocket attack from this Palestinian enclave.

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