Jean Castex lightens the protocol for students in contact cases



Article written by

A. Chopin, B. Véran, D. Fossard, P. Bouchetou – France 3

France Televisions

Monday January 10 on the set of the 8 pm JT, Jean Castex announced a relaxation of the instructions concerning the pupils case contacts at school.

From now on, a self-test will be sufficient for students with contact cases, who will no longer need to present their teachers with an antigen test or PCR. The other relief concerns parents, who will no longer be obliged to pick up their children immediately after the announcement of a contact case, but can wait until the end of the course. If these measures greatly relieve the parents, they do not appease the teachers of the National Education, who will be on strike Thursday, January 13.

The first demand of the striking teachers is to be able to teach in the best conditions, in this period of pandemic. “Our job is to teach. What we have been asked for several weeks now is to check tests, ask parents to go and test their children regularly (…) this is not our job “, indignant Mathilde Eisenberg, one of them, who is a member of the SNUipp-FSU.

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