Jean Castex leaves Matignon, moved: this symbolic gift received from his fellow ministers

In a warm atmosphere, Jean Castex found his entire ministerial team as the reshuffle approached, living his last hours as Prime Minister. He must probably resign by Monday May 16, 2022 following the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, indicates The Parisian. During an aperitif in the sumptuous gardens of Matignon, then, a dinner inside the Matignon hotel with a menu of pasta salad, salmon, asparagus and morels, the head of government was able to appreciate his gift very symbolic start.

Almost all the ministers and secretaries of state were accompanied by their spouse to celebrate the work of Jean Castex. Unknown to the general public before being appointed Prime Minister on July 3, 2020, he is now one of the most popular figures in the government, for his taste for work and his modesty. “For me the adventure is over. It is a political necessity. My feelings are not contradictory: I think this evolution is necessary and I obviously regret, at the same time, to leave my functions here at Matignon where I was very happy“, said the head of government according to The Parisian.

A standing ovation concluded his speech. Then we gave hima pen and a rugby shirt signed by all the members of his government are offered to him by the guests. A jersey with the number 9, in reference to the Toulouse scrum-half Antoine Dupont, his favorite player“, specifies the daily. Amateur of the oval ball, he already played young with his father who was president of the Vicoise Athletic Union.

As for those who hoped to have information on the person who will succeed him during this event, the politician from Gers said: “I have heard that some of you would have thought of knowing a date and a name.“Without revealing anything more. For the husband of Sandra Ribelaygue with whom he has four daughters, the time has come to finally enjoy some time with his family now.

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