Jean Castex corrects the situation and relaxes the health protocol at school



France 2

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Monday, January 10, the Prime Minister decided to reframe government policy concerning the health protocol in schools, while the epidemic remains virulent.

The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, manages his file in haste, while the Prime Minister has decided to relax the health protocol in schools, Monday, January 10. One way to reframe government policy? Only 2% classes were closed last week. It’s not huge, but the anger is there: There is a call for a strike by the National Education unions for Thursday, January 13. We will see if this strike is followed.

Still, there is a disagreement between teachers and parents, as well as between Jean-Michel Launder and the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. The Minister of National Education is particularly obsessed with the idea of ​​opening classes no matter what, France is the only country in the world to hold this political line during the pandemic, explains France Television journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq.


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