Jean Castex announces salary increases for 20,000 additional caregivers

This revaluation will concern the employees of establishments for disabled people financed by the departments, specified the Prime Minister.

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The government is trying to respond to the recruitment difficulties of the medico-social sector. THEThe salary increases granted during the Health Segur will be extended to some 20,000 additional caregivers, employees of establishments for disabled people financed by the departments, announced Prime Minister Jean Castex on Monday, November 8, during a trip to a specialized reception center in Châtenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine).

This revaluation, which “will concern more than 20,000 professionals”, will be registered in the form of an amendment to the bill on the financing of the Social Security under discussion in the Senate, said the head of government. For several months the medico-social sector, which includes assistance to the elderly and disabled, but also to the homeless or to children in danger, has been alerting to its serious recruitment difficulties.

This staff shortage is partly explained by differences in treatment between employees. The salary increases of 183 euros per month, granted in the summer of 2020 during the Health Segur to staff in hospitals and retirement homes, were then only gradually and partially extended to other sectors, resulting in a skills drain for better paid sectors.

The revaluations in favor of establishments for disabled people financed by the Social Security will take place from this month of November and not, as initially planned, on January 1, announced Jean Castex, at a cost of 60 million euros. In addition, the regional health agencies will set up a “exceptional HR support unit” and Pôle emploi will offer “short qualifying training courses” funded by the government.

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