Jean Castex and Olivier Véran will announce a “precise timetable” for lifting health restrictions at 7 p.m.

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12:54 p.m. : “In the coming days”, high school students and teachers will know whether the baccalaureate specialty tests, scheduled for March, will be postponed or not, replied Gabriel Attal to a question from journalists during his press conference.

12:48 : Jean Castex and Olivier Véran will establish this eveninga precise timetable of the’“lightening of measures to give prospects to the French”, adds Gabriel Attal.

12:50 p.m. : The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health will hold a press conference at 7 p.m. on the “gradual lifting of the latest health measures” in force.

12:50 p.m. : “The French were able to spend Christmas and the New Year almost without constraint. (…) This was not the case with many of our neighbors, it is thanks to the vaccine, the pass and our responsibility.

Gabriel Attal talks about the restrictions of recent weeks.

12:50 p.m. : “The number of hospitalizations remains very high and the number of cases remains sensitive. (…) The epidemic is still expanding.”

12:38 : “We are moving forward in the economic recovery.”

The government spokesperson is currently giving a press conference after the Health Defense Council meeting this morning. He must mention the restrictions linked to the health crisis.

12:00 p.m. : Here is the main information this afternoon:

• The Kremlin denounces the remarks “destabilizers” of Joe Biden who threatened a response “severe” in the event of a military attack on Ukraine. The situation “could spiral out of control” in the event of a Russian attack, warned the American president.

The Health Defense Council meeting at the Elysée must “give visibility” on the restrictions linked to the health crisis. He must also decide on a possible postponement in June of the baccalaureate specialty tests, according to several sources within the executive. Follow our live.

Four high school students, three minors and a young major, died, remained prisoners of their car fell into a Jura lake while driving on an icy road.

Francois Baroin will take the helm of Barclays France. The former minister has exercised an advisory role within the establishment since 2018.

10:17 a.m. : A new health defense council is meeting to consider changing health restrictions. Is the end of the wave yet near? Franceinfo sorts out the different indicators.


10:12 a.m. : In Hong Kong, where the government wants at all costs to meet its “zero Covid” objective, the authorities have announced the slaughter of at least 2,000 potentially infected hamsters, while there is no reason to believe that the virus can be transmitted from animals to humans directly. All owners of hamsters are requested to hand over their animal to the authorities who will dispose of it.humanly”, explains RFI.

09:41 : Today, everyone knows that I am the companion of Jean-Michel Blanquer. I can’t pay the bill every day.” defended Anna Cabana to the Parisian. As part of her show on the i24News channel, the journalist devoted a debate to Jean-Michel Blanquer’s vacation in Ibiza. Several journalists and Internet users have denounced an attack on ethics.

09:17 : Hello to both of them. Asked by Release, Public Health France explains that “the number of patients tested during a given period (a given day or a period of 7 rolling days for example) [sont ceux] who have never tested positive in the previous 60 days.” It is therefore the number of positive people and not the number of positive tests that is communicated.

09:16 : Hello to all the team of FI. A question that may seem stupid and to which you may have already answered, but given the still large number of positive tests, are people who have had a positive test and who are retested (positive) in the following days counted? like those who test positive for the first time?

09:16 : Hello FI Is a person who has already tested positive and tested positive again (test for leaving isolation) counted in the +400000 cases?

09:00 : Here is the point on the news of the morning:

“If they [les Russes] invade, they will pay for it, they will no longer be able to go through the banks, they will not be able to make transactions in dollars”, warned Joe Biden. Washington promises an answer “severe” in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, however large.

• Terminale students can from today until March 29 select their choices of higher education on Parcoursup, without having to classify them. “Our whole orientation is played out on this, we are a little bit lost”, entrust the high school students to franceinfo.

• A Health Defense Council meeting this morning at the Elysée must “give visibility” on the restrictions linked to the health crisis. Emmanuel Macron will present an agenda for easing the restrictions introduced in December, according to our information.

Teachers are preparing for a new day of action to protest against the management of the health crisis in education, with a demonstration this afternoon in Paris which “will not be prevented” by the prefecture despite the filing of the declaration out of time.

08:27 : Thailand will again exempt vaccinated travelers from quarantine from February 1. Fearing a spread of the Omicron variant, the country had reinstated a mandatory quarantine at the end of December.

08:02 : Hello @Ariane This is one of the demands made today during the mobilization of teachers, but nothing confirmed for the moment. The teachers’ associations want this postponement because of an “untenable” schedule and a year made difficult by the regular absences of teachers and students because of Covid-19, specifies BFMTV.

08:00 : Hello. Do you have any information on the postponement of specialties for the baccalaureate? Have a nice day ?

07:47 : In a restaurant in Beijing, in order to save staff and reinforce sanitary precautions, the preparation of dishes and part of the service are robotized. “As technology advances, smart products are going to enter into all aspects of our lives and I think we still need traditional restaurants.” says a client.

07:06 : Hello @Married A priori no (the vaccination pass has not yet entered into force). According to our information, Emmanuel Macron will present an agenda to ease the measures introduced in December. In particular, the government intends to extend the rules on telework by two weeks.

07:05 : Hello, E. Macron talks about the restrictions relief agenda… does this include the vaccination pass? Thank you and good day

06:45 : Is the obligation to telecommute three to four days a week well respected? To make sure of this, the labor inspectorate visits companies. But the mission is not always easy, as franceinfo was able to see during a visit to Île-de-France.

06:30 : A member of the Marne, Aina Kuric (Agir Ensemble group), received death threats by email after having voted in favor of the vaccination pass. She filed a complaint. “I would like to remind you that it is our responsibility to fight collectively against those who claim want to blow up our democracy”, she said, quotes France 3 Grand Est.

06:15 : In Reunion, the prefect has extended the curfew to 9 p.m. until February 7. The wearing of the compulsory mask in the street and the ban on picnics are also maintained until this date.

06:02 : Here is the main information this morning:

• A Health Defense Council meeting this morning at the Elysée must “give visibility” regarding the restrictions linked to the health crisis. Emmanuel Macron will present an agenda for easing the restrictions introduced in December, according to our information. The government intends to extend the rules on telework by two weeks.

The White House promised a response “severe” in case of penetration of Russian troops in Ukraine. From Kiev, Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Moscow to choose the “peaceful way”.

Teachers are preparing for a new day of action to protest against the management of the health crisis in education, with a demonstration this afternoon in Paris which “will not be prevented” by the prefecture despite the filing of the declaration out of time.

Lille rolled out against Lorient (3-1) to get closer to European places, where Strasbourg is now, fourth after its success at Clermont (2-0), in the late matches of Ligue 1.

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