Jean-Baptiste Moreau’s “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”

The President of the Republic inaugurated Saturday, February 26 the 58th Agricultural Show, Porte de Versailles in Paris. Emmanuel Macron took the opportunity to discuss the war in Ukraine: “There will certainly be consequences in our exports for the major sectors”such as wine, grain and livestock feed, he warned.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the situation in our live

Guest of franceinfo from the Agricultural Show, LREM deputy for Creuse Jean-Baptiste Moreau confirmed that the situation in Ukraine will pose a risk of speculation and therefore of soaring commodity prices.

War in Ukraine: “There will be no shortage in France”

Ukraine “is the leading producer of elements that enter into the composition of fertilizers, in particular phosphate”, explained Jean-Baptiste Moreau. The war between Russia and Ukraine, which are also two of the main producers of cereals, therefore weighs “a risk of speculation on the markets, even of shortage for the countries which depend a lot on this supply, like those of the Maghreb”.

On the other hand, according to the deputy of Creuse, “there will be no shortage in France. But we cannot exclude a risk of soaring prices, and therefore consequences for consumers.

Presidential campaign: “It changes everything”

While Emmanuel Macron has still not officially declared himself a candidate, this eruption of a war in Europe “change everything”according to Jean-Baptiste Moreau. “It will be difficulthe believes, to campaign on other issues. But the democratic debate must not be swept away by the Ukrainian crisis. Bringing democracy to life will be the best response to Vladimir Putin, who abhors democracy.”

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