Jean-Baptiste Marteau: Athlete’s body at the beach, with his adorable daughter Colette!

Cast off the sailor’s moorings!“, he says in the caption of this beautiful father-daughter photo. Then, he wishes to specify that this tender moment was immortalized by a certain Stéphane who is none other than the godfather of Colette. In comments, Internet users Many reacted and, unsurprisingly, they all melted for the little girl who, although her face is partly concealed by her accessories, seems to have a more than adorable face.

In story, still on the social network for sharing images, Jean-Baptiste Marteau publishes other vacation photos. On the first, he still appears on his paddle, alone, while a friend in red shorts stands on his by his side. Then, on a second shot, the journalist poses with four other men, including Stéphane, Colette’s godfather. Her lover Bruno is also there, smiling with her little Colette in her arms. The sea, her lover, her loved ones, her little girl… A real dream vacation!

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