Jean-Baptiste Marteau and his daughter threatened since his coming out: the case brought to justice!

At 39, Jean-Baptiste Hammer is a fulfilled man. On the professional side, he is the joker of the television news of France 2 and Telematin. And when he is not on the air, the journalist has a good time with his family, with her husband Bruno and their adorable little girl Colette (3 years old). This happiness, which he shares from time to time on social networks, sometimes earns him terrible threats and insults. With our colleagues from Entertainment TV Wednesday, October 12, 2022, he gives himself up.

Since coming out on Twitter in 2018, a year before marrying his lover, Jean-Baptiste Marteau has been the target of homophobic attacks. “People often ask me if I’m not afraid that it will damage my image, but I don’t care. I receive insults and threats very regularly. I have filed several complaints because I don’t let anything pass“, he regrets. But that is not enough to harm his happiness: “I feel good about myself, everything is fine. In contrast, it affects me more when these threats target my daughter Colette. I take them very seriously. It’s sad, but having an openly homosexual presenter at 8 p.m. is not yet natural and accepted by all.

Fortunately, the charming brunette who posed shirtless in front of her husband’s lens knows he is lucky to be “professionally and personally fulfilled“.”But I see every day that this is not the case for everyonehe continues with regret. In France in 2022, there are still young people who are thrown out because their families do not accept their homosexuality. So if at my small level, I can change, if only a little, mentalities, I go for it. It is my duty.“This job begins with the education he gives his daughter.”Colette will do what she wants with her life. But it is important for me that she evolves in a more tolerant world“, he says. Besides, mentalities may not be as backward as he thought: “I enrolled Colette in kindergarten this year and thought having two dads would be a problem. Ultimately it is not, on the contrary. She was extremely well received in her school and it’s nice to see.” An important first step!

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