Jean-Baptiste Guégan in the face of criticism, the singer atomizes Laeticia Hallyday and his entourage!

A few years ago, Jean-Baptiste Guégan won the thirteenth season of “France has an incredible talent”. A victory that opened the doors of show business to him. For months, the 39-year-old singer had been performing dates all over the country with “The voice of Johnny” before launching a first album entitled “Since it’s written”. A success that obviously did not please everyone, especially Jean-Claude Camus, producer of the rocker, who had not minced his words on social networks.

“Scandalous! It borders on identity theft! I do not even understand that the two eldest, who are claiming their rights to their father’s image, tolerate such things., he blurted out. A point of view shared by Laeticia Hallyday. “I’m not going to lie to you, it makes me uncomfortable and I won’t go see him in concert…”she confided in the columns of the Parisian.

“I am sincere in my approach”

Amused by the critics, Jean-Baptiste Guégan prefers to keep smiling. “I’ll tell you something, I don’t give a fuck. (Smile) People have the right to think what they want. That’s not embarassing. It does not affect me because I am sincere in my approach. I did not register for France has an incredible talent elsewhere. They are the ones who called me. I had refused at the start, I did not want to », he explained recently during an interview with Pure Charts. And to continue: “I am serene and I can live for a long time in peace. Absolutely nothing ever happened. It is a pure invention, the words of Laeticia, thing or other. I don’t know her, she doesn’t know me. The only thing I know is that David Hallyday is aware and he knows very well who I am. Told him it was impressive, so he supports the project very well”. That is what is said!


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