“Je t’emmerde” launches an anti-vaccine to Emmanuel Macron on the move, discover the funny response from the President of the Republic!

The message got through. Emmanuel Macron suspected, by dropping his already infamous “I want to piss off the unvaccinated” at the Parisian, that the flashback was going to be brutal. The Head of State, already criticized by part of the French, has widened the gap a little more with the opposition. But this does not mean that he does not keep his cool and smile when he has to face demonstrators who want to “Piss him off” them too. Proof of this is with his last trip to the Alpes-Maritimes. BFM TV unveiling the images of this outing in the village of Tende, more than a year after the storm that wreaked havoc, this Monday, January 10. An outing during which the President of the Republic was insulted by an “antivax”.

While he was giving himself a little “walkabout”, an opponent arrived in front of him to stretch out her two palms in front of his face as noted by our colleagues from Télé-Loisirs. Palms on which was written a message more than clear: “Je t’ammerde”, in reference to the statement of the Head of State about the unvaccinated. Not paying attention right away, Emmanuel Macron was content to smile when he saw the message addressed to him and respond in great calm: ” Thanks, that’s nice. Good luck and above all protect yourself ”, and add “Pay attention to yourself and others”. The opponent replies with the same irony: ” Sure ! “. The latter, questioned by BFM TV, explained her gesture and expressed her anger following the latest government decisions: “I didn’t want to tell him anything, just let him see the message.” I wanted to show him ‘fuck you’, as he dared to say ‘fuck you all’, about the unvaccinated, which is not very correct in the mouth of a president ”.

A quite understandable fed up after two years of cohabitation with the Covid-19. However, it is always good to remember that insulting the Head of State can sometimes be very expensive … Whether we agree with his decisions or not.


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