Jazz mom for the 3rd time: first family photo with London, her face revealed

London is already a star since he has his Instagram account and is followed by more than 26,000 internet users. Jazz and Laurent have also posted a photo taken just after childbirth. We can see the brunette in tears, her baby resting on her, and her husband with a smile.

Jazz and Laurent are therefore at the head of a tribe of three children. Indeed, the beautiful 29-year-old brunette has already given birth to a baby girl named Chelsea four years ago and in Cayden two years ago.

It was on September 1 that Jazz formalized her pregnancy. To do this, she posted a family photo, her rounded stomach clearly visible. “I am six months pregnant with happiness … I was happy to share these moments only with my family but today I am happy to share it with all of you! It wasn’t always easy but after some thought it was worth it“, she had written in caption. And on November 30, it is the first name of their baby that they had revealed, without however specifying its sex.

This third baby, she longed for it. In December 2019, Jazz announced in tears that she had just had a miscarriage. After her operation, she explained that it was because of the attacks she had suffered that she had lost her baby: “I’ve been pressured for weeks, I’ve been put into stories for weeks where I haven’t done anything! My family and friends are harmed too. I have often thought of others more than of myself and today because of everything I am going through I have made my baby suffer.“The lovers then tried to have a child again. But for long months, nothing. Fortunately, the wheel turned.


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