Jazz Correia too addicted to injections? His “duck” mouth becomes the laughingstock of the web

It is not new, cosmetic surgery has become commonplace among reality TV candidates. Moreover, some of them did not hesitate to have their speeches filmed. This was the case of Jazz under the eye of Jeremstar’s cameras.

Thus, the young woman redid her chest, her buttocks and underwent liposuction. Jazz even had a few injections for his wrinkles on his forehead. Only here, over the years, many have accused him of having abused injections in the mouth and even of having lied about his surgical operations. Tired of all this criticism, the mother of Cayden, Chelsea and London defended herself in the following way: “You’re starting to break my balls, so I’m going to send a message to all the jealous and jealous. (…) On my daughter’s two eyes, I didn’t redo anything on my face except my teeth and once hyaluronic acid in my lips. And as I am pregnant, injections are prohibited! I did my breasts and I did liposuction except that ten days later I got pregnant, so it was of no use to me at all!”.

Moreover, many had criticized him for taking advantage of Laurent’s wealth. What Jazz had reacted by saying: “When I met my dear and tender husband, he wasn’t a millionaire, he didn’t wear a Rolex on his wrist, he didn’t have a Gucci tracksuit, didn’t drive in big cars and didn’t have all his businesses. When we met, it was he who came to move in with me, his apartment was so small. Today, I still refused to let him buy me an Yves-Saint-Laurent bag!”.

In a few weeks, a new program between the Guedj family and the JLC Family will see the light of day. In the meantime, Jazz and her family have flown off to new adventures in Hollywood. The opportunity for the small tribe to immortalize this moment. Only here, a detail has titillated the Internet users: the redone mouth of the influencer. Thus, we were able to read comments such as “omg jazz lips” or “looks like a duck”. Comments that may annoy the main target.


See also: Jazz clashes Nabilla

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