Jazz at worst: The health of his newborn London Sky “has deteriorated”, terrible confidences

The date of December 8, 2021 will forever be remembered by Jazz and Laurent Correia. Yesterday morning, the stars of the JLC Family (TFX) welcomed their third child. A little boy named London Sky, a first name once again original but which surprised all the more because it does not start with the letter “C” like those of their two other children. But, after sharing their happiness, the couple is already facing a hard blow.

In Instagram story, Jazz announced bad news. “We are going through very difficult times. That night our baby’s health deteriorated. We are not in good shape but as soon as I have the courage, I will explain“, we can read in the story. Something to worry Internet users who follow them. Especially since they know it, Laurent and she have already lived the worst.

During the filming of season 2 of the JLC Family, their son Cayden (2 years old) was found unconscious in their swimming pool when he was 9 months old. It was his dad who had provided him with first aid while waiting for the firefighters. After being in a coma for several hours, the little boy finally woke up. And fortunately, he got away with it. In 2019, Jazz also had to overcome an ordeal, that of her miscarriage. “I’ve been pressured for weeks, I’ve been put into stories for weeks where I haven’t done anything! My family and friends are harmed too. I have often thought of others more than of myself and today because of everything I am going through I made my baby suffer“, had in particular confided the young mother on her social networks. Hopefully she will quickly announce good news concerning London Sky.

It was around 7 p.m. that Jazz announced the happy news on his Instagram account. To do this, the beautiful 29-year-old brunette posted a photo in which we can see her on her hospital bed, smiling, her son London whose sweet face can be seen in his arms. She is surrounded by her husband Laurent and their two other children, Chelsea (4 years old) and Cayden (2 years old). “LONDON SKY CORREIA. Born in Dubai 8/12/2021 at 9:02 AM. Welcome to our 2nd SON“, can we read in the caption.

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