Jazmin Grace, daughter of Albert of Monaco: her sick companion escaped the worst…

The couple, still united after five years of relationship, reappeared in April on a red carpet in the United States (where they live), very smiling but without explaining their absence. Since things are improving, we imagine that the young woman, who sings a duet with her lover, should therefore soon return to the front of the stage! Decidedly, at the Grimaldi, the atmosphere has not been good in terms of health in recent months! Jazmin indeed also had to follow the problems of her father and stepmother on the Rock. The young woman, who was officially recognized by Albert of Monaco in 2006, gets along rather well with her little brother and sister, the twins Jacques and Gabriella and had to hear from them while their mother was stuck in South Africa. .

Rumors of depression and divorce

Princess Charlene had indeed been affected by an infection of the ENT sphere and had been operated on for a long time, which had delayed her return to Europe by several months. Back in November, the former swimmer still had to be hospitalized in a rest clinic, fueling rumors of depression and divorce. Today, everything seems to be going well for her. The South African sportswoman has indeed found her children and her husband. As a reminder, if Albert of Monaco and his eldest daughter get along rather well, Prince Albert II’s relations are more strained with his second illegitimate child, his son Alexandre, born in 2003. The young man, who was not raised by his father, would get along very badly with his stepmother, as revealed by his mother, Nicole Coste.

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