Jaune Tournesol, an initiatory journey to the land of childhood, a wonderful hymn to life by Juliette Adam.

An album that makes you want to crunch life to the fullest!

Sunflower Yellow, Juliette Adam, Maureen Poignonec

Father Castor’s albums

Ever since she was little, Soline has loved her yellow color. It reminds him of a sunflower. She thinks it suits her well. »
The adults here are grey, sad and serious. Soline marvels at everything around her. The world is beautiful and colorful. You have to know how to look at it…
An initiatory and poetic journey into the realm of childhood.

Proof that talent does not wait for the number of years, at 20 Juliette Adam surprises both with her maturity and the freshness of childhood.

Maureen Poignonec’s illustrations beautifully convey the joy of living mixed with the innocence of childhood.

From 9 years old

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