Jauffrey (Married at first sight) warned by Frédérick Bousquet before his marriage to Cyndie

This Monday, May 2, M6 viewers had the pleasure of discovering a new couple in Married at first sight 2022.

Jauffrey (39 years old, lifeguard, swimming coach and former top swimmer) lives in Marseille. He is described as a positive and ambitious man. And he has no shortage of friends, including Frédérick Bousquet and Florent Manaudou, and is passionate about his job. He only needs one thing to be completely fulfilled: love. The reason for his celibacy comes from his rather special childhood, as he explained. He left the family cocoon early enough to train in a swimming club. “I no longer had my bearings, I was alone. It was hard“, he confessed. Thus he went from childhood to adulthood, without enjoying adolescence. This resulted in him turning to younger women in the past Relations not really stable. He believed in it with his last companion and saw himself starting a family. But the young woman was not ready to commit. “I want to have young children, because I want to be a dynamic dad“, he explained. So he expects a lot from this experience.

Good news, Estelle Dossin told him that a woman was 76% compatible with him. The expert hoped that he would show his emotions as much with the person he could marry because she knows he is often restrained. This woman is Cyndie (33, beautician), single for two and a half years. Like Jauffrey, she wants her future husband to also be her best friend. She has never come across good men. One of his ex-companions, for example, forgot to mention that he was in a relationship. And she found one of her exes in her bed, with her best friend. It made her lose confidence in herself. Each described their ideal man and woman. And it matched perfectly. Both like to spice up their sex life, for example, and want to start a family.

Jauffrey announced to his friends, his dear family, that he was getting married and they all promised to be present. Something to reassure him. Frédérick Bousquet nevertheless warned him not to be too naive.To keep your eyes open and your feet on the ground“, he launched.

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