Jarry tired dad: difficult period with his twins, he confides

The end of the year for Jarry was eventful. This Monday, January 3, 2022, the 44-year-old comedian gave his news in Instagram story. The opportunity for his subscribers to discover that his children, nicknamed “Vic” and “Tim” (5-year-old twins born through surrogacy carried out in the United States) have fallen ill, enough to give him some thread to twist.

2021 has been a good year for Jarry. He had the opportunity to have fun once again in Mask Singer during the filming of season 2 or presented Game of Talents. He also had a hit with his moving TV movie By your side, in which he evokes a personal episode: the end of his father’s life. A fiction broadcast on the first channel.

With his busy schedule, he would surely have liked to rest during the Christmas holidays and enjoy his two toddlers. But an illness ruined their vacation. Both were stricken by a childhood illness: chickenpox. It is Jarry who made this revelation in story. Visibly tired, he specified that he had the “face of a dad who just went through ten days of chickenpox with twins“.”That’s done, I check, chickenpox, finished. In 2021 we find plenty of drugs on lots of super complex things (…) but it would be nice to find some tips to make our kids stop scratching“, he launched.

Now that her children are well, Jarry only hope for one thing, not to contract the disease in turn. Because he no longer remembers whether he had chickenpox when he was little. “So I’m going to keep my fingers crossed. Hoping that I won’t have pimples in a few days. On this I kiss you very hard and yay 2022“, he concluded. We wish him to be spared because, if it is already difficult for children, it can be even more complicated for adults. Indeed, serious complications can arise, such as superinfection of the vesicles, pneumonia or meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

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