Japan hit by Typhoon Nanmadol


France 2

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Typhoon Nanmadol has ravaged the coasts of Japan. One person died and dozens injured.

Along the coast, in the south-east of Japan, in the prefecture of Kochi, the sea is raging: the waves are huge, several meters high. The roofs are torn off, the trees uprooted, the roads flooded. Residents see the damage after Typhoon Nanmadol hit. In this game room, the windows did not resist the power of the winds. Gusts that reached 234 km / h when the typhoon arrived.

Faced with the danger, the authorities had ordered the evacuation of nearly six million people. “I came to take shelter, because it was windy and I thought it was dangerous. They said it was a particularly big typhoon, I didn’t feel safe at home”, says a resident. The toll is one dead and dozens injured. The precautions taken by the authorities certainly made it possible to avoid more victims.

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